Monday, December 15, 2008 Children With Learning Problems - It's the Schools, not the Kids, Stupid! Children With Learning Problems - It's the Schools, not the Kids, Stupid!: "No one really knows how many children in India have learning disabilities (LD), but it looks like a staggering 20 to 50 million might be affected. And still, there are very few schools that have any mechanisms in place to identify children with LD, or offer remedial therapy. The real tragedy is that LD children are not 'stupid' - some of the brightest minds of our time, from Einstein to Edison to Pasteur, have had LD."

1 comment:

Lon said...

I visited with a teacher on email from South Africa who said that there is no assistive technology in the school system there or anyone working on evaluations or integrations with AT.
We have a long way to go worldwide!I volunteered to come over and help at her university with some workshops - haven't heard back...